Car seat check/Install

⇒Vehicle crashes are a leading cause of death and injury for American children

⇒A correctly used child safety seat can reduce the risk of death by as much as 71 percent.

⇒3 out of 4 car seats are not used or installed correctly.

  • If you are in need of a car seat check/install please fill out this form and our tech will contact you.


Links and resources through Safe Kids Worldwide:

  1. Participate in an Online Class.
  • The class is taught by a CPST and covers every car seat stage as your child graduates from a rear-facing seat to when they can wear an adult seat belt.
  1. Check out the Ultimate Car Seat Guide.
  • An interactive, online tool that provides expert guidance to parents on everything from how to fit a child into a car seat to knowing when it is time to move to a new type of seat. The Guide also has a custom option where parents insert their child’s date of birth and weight to learn about their child’s specific car seat needs.
  1. Join Safe Kids Facebook Live events.
  2. Parents and Caregivers can visit for more information.